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[스크랩] Free as a Bird 외 Omar Akram 연주곡 모음

한적한길 2014. 1. 25. 12:15





Free as a Bird (2004) 오마르(Omar Akram)


01 - Free As A Bird.

02 - Passage Into Midnight.

03 - A Day With You.

04 - Falling Through The Rain.

05 - Beauty Unveiled.

06 - Dancing With The Wind.

07 - Surrender.

08 - Riding The Current.

09 - Never Let Go.

10 - Trust Unspoken.

11 - Flight Of Mystery.





출처 : 나를 찾아 떠나는 여행 (본성의 자리에서)
글쓴이 : Goldenkey 원글보기
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